About the project
META-NET is designing and implementing META-SHARE, a sustainable network of repositories of language data, tools and related web services documented with high-quality metadata, aggregated in central inventories allowing for uniform search and access to resources. Data and tools can be both open and with restricted access rights, free and for-a-fee. META-SHARE targets existing but also new and emerging language data, tools and systems required for building and evaluating new technologies, products and services.
About the partners
META-SHARE will start by integrating nodes and centres represented by the partners of the META-NET consortium. It will gradually be extended to encompass additional nodes/centres and provide more functionality with the goal of turning into an as largely distributed infrastructure as possible.
Select network node
Please select one of the following META-SHARE network nodes to proceed. For an explanation of the differences between META-SHARE Managing Nodes and other META-SHARE nodes, you can visit this page.
META-SHARE Managing Nodes
CNR — National Research Council of Italy
DFKI — Deutsches Forschungszentrum für künstliche Intelligenz
ELDA — Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency
FBK — Fondazione Bruno Kessler
ILSP — Institute for Language and Speech Processing
IPIPAN — Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
Other META-SHARE Nodes
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Lithuanian Language Institute
National Library of Norway
Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Romanian Academy Center for Artificial Intelligence
University of Belgrade
University of Copenhagen
University of Gothenburg
University of Helsinki
University of Lisbon
University of Lodz
University of Tartu
University of the Basque Country
University of Vigo
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Universitat Pompeu Fabra